by KatMak | Jul 9, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration
Are you scared of the big bad Wolf? You know that feeling that you really want to do something but you are so scared …your stomach cramps up? Yep …been there and I will continue to be there when I learn something new and want to action it. Guess what...
by KatMak | Jun 25, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration
What is your relationship with Money? Good question right ? I don’t know any one that is totally 100% comfortable with money or the topic of money …me included Can this hold you back from building that business to the heights you want it to be?...
by KatMak | Apr 27, 2017 | Confindence, Inspiration, MLM Training, Tools
Habit …we all have one two three four five … A Habit can be created in many ways …the mind is such a powerful tool as the mind is the one that forms the habit .. So why this topic … Well.. I was walking to my car the other day and generally...
by KatMak | Apr 17, 2017 | Inspiration, Online training
So you think you only have a small audience…and you freak out … There will be times when you are on social media and no one is “liking” your posts ….or you may have a webinar that you did and only one person joined …there may also...
by KatMak | Apr 11, 2017 | Confindence, fear, Inspiration, Leads, Tools
You can’t seem to get someone to buy your knowledge Well you are not alone So you have all this knowledge and you are wondering how do people pay you for it and you don’t want be a coach? Are you ready ? No one will pay you for your knowledge yep …true fact!!!...
by KatMak | Mar 30, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration, Leads, MLM Training, Tools
You are what you attract ….. You don’t get what you want …you get what you are …. So many times I go back to The Secret ….All you have to do is hone it to those vibrations …they amplify they get bigger …when you manifest ….your beliefs start to grow stronger...