by KatMak | Oct 6, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration, Online training
Are you committed ? Or you hear that word and you get that sickly feeling in your tummy? Why? cause you know you should but for XYZ reason you just ..Don’t Lack of Commitment will stop you from growing your biz/your personal goals to that next level. Now this...
by KatMak | Sep 27, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration
OK …I get you I have been there too. But guess what it got closer to no mans land. We waste way too much time …holding back …what if it’s not perfect …not the write colour, or no one will like it…or not enough content...
by KatMak | Sep 22, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration, MLM Training
What really happens when excuses get in the way.. Have you every found yourself just making excuses upon excuses upon excuses? Who are you really tormenting by doing …Really it’s yourself no-one else. These excuses block you from reaching your...
by KatMak | Sep 1, 2017 | Uncategorized
Sometimes we just stuck in so NOISE!! So what happens is you end spending alot of time of non productive tasks that simply do not help your business grow. So what happens is you end getting frustrated and you give up. So let’s dive in and change this! Two...
by KatMak | Aug 21, 2017 | Confidence
So you think you are going places … But somehow the steam is running out. But you want to continue to go places? Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves that we forget who is around us!! So here goes … #1 Tap into your team …(they are there...
by KatMak | Aug 14, 2017 | Confidence, Tools, Uncategorized
These 5 key elements that I will be sharing with will help you grow your biz, stay focused and keep you in check! Ok so lets go or ( you can simply view my video below …) #No 1 Do some kind of personal development for you? Now its key that you do some kind of...
by KatMak | Aug 3, 2017 | Tools
Are you looking for a network marketing tip that will help you get more prospects… Because you’re at that point where you’ve ran out of people to talk to? But aren’t there billions in the world You’ve pitched your products and business opportunity to all your...
by KatMak | Jul 14, 2017 | Confidence, Inspiration
What if it was your birthday everyday ? Now as I was driving the other day and ….I was thinking… How would be if it were your birthday every day … Every day you would wake up and feel happy… Right ? How would that reflect on your biz? Well...
by KatMak | Jul 9, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration
Are you scared of the big bad Wolf? You know that feeling that you really want to do something but you are so scared …your stomach cramps up? Yep …been there and I will continue to be there when I learn something new and want to action it. Guess what...
by KatMak | Jun 25, 2017 | Confidence, fear, Inspiration
What is your relationship with Money? Good question right ? I don’t know any one that is totally 100% comfortable with money or the topic of money …me included Can this hold you back from building that business to the heights you want it to be?...