We are all looking for those magic words when closing .. Guess what ? Well it really isn’t in the magic words at all!!

Yeh I know …you are probably thinking what ??? Of course it’s in the words …I bet you have spent hours writing out scripts and learning them off the top of your head …correct? Looking at leaders in your niche and thinking …”I will follow this script and I will be so effective at closing ” …So you go ahead and do it …and ? Nothing …no results!!

Successful Communication will ALWAYS equal Closing!!

First I will share some statistics which will probably shock you!!

Successful communication is ….

  1. 7 % percent yes ….only 7 percent are the words you use ( you know those scripts you relentlessly memorise? )
  2. 38 % is the tone …the tone of your voice
  3. 55% is the energy

So why do you use most of your time and energy on the words???? Good question ….Well the person that is successful has the mindset of energy and positive tone of voice. If you have that relaxed mode on the phone without a sense of urgency and being able to read the other person.

Let me share with you 3 simple tips that will help you.

  1. Stop thinking about the magic words …there aren’t any …
  2. Have a positive tone of voice is what needs to be developed, make the words your own with the tone of voice. You must have a high sense of urgency
  3. You must have ENERGY …..don’t worry if you make a mistake with the words ….people are attracted to your energy.

If you do 2 & 3 ….then will have a high success rate in closing.

Remember it’s all the delivery and always will be ….


Oh if you haven’t already done so ..

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