Why are you not making a sale ?
Its Xmas…and Sales Skyrocket
& Yes Online sales go through the roof
So how come you are struggling?
Below In my latest training Livestream on this topic.
share with you one reason why.
Have you been to told by your Upline that
in order to make that Xmas Bonus you need to share
your everywhere? You are posting on all feeds of Social Media right?
Well this will NOT attract any sales
I mean if your feed looks like an Infomercial ( I am now seeing cover shots too)
When I see this I feel like cringing …I feel like I am being forced to buy …its totally in face face 24/7 every second post is about
a product.
That will turn off your potential customers How ? Cause
Notifications will be turned off when you come up …
So you will never show up on their feed…
Now I had a come back by a friend saying that she does get a few sales …however based on the amount of friends she has it does not justify it…
Attract customers with value …
And watch SALES skyrocket
Learn from the leaders …
Don’t miss this week’s free training where you learn from those that have been where you are..…Click here
Kat x