How Productive are you?

It’s the end of the January already can you believe it??? Ah ha!! And how productive have you been?

Have you pulled that list of Goals ? Are you overwhelmed …well you are not alone.

Below I will share with 4 simple tips that will help you be more productive straight away.

  1. Set up your systems to leverage your business!! What does that mean? Well if a system works and it has already been setup up …use it. More often than not we try to re-invent the wheel when you could be using that time more effectively with things that you can optimise your skills.


  1. Say NO to multi-tasking …yes true ….we have been taught to be master multitaskers …but are we really ….with so much Buzz around us …smart phones, Ipads… all these social media apps…you hear beeps …your phone has gone off …Notifications from everywhere….We then become distracted and start shuffling …if you are guilty say “I” …I know have been!! If you say will work on your business for ½ an hour do just that…If you say you will be taking 10 minutes out to exercise do just that!! When you are doing 4 things at once something will give and you won’t be as effective …then you spend time flicking  & going back and forth …The time you spend doing just that you could have spent it more wisely by concentrating on the one thing.


  1. Schedule EVERYTHING !! If it’s not scheduled it won’t get done as subconsciously you really had no intention of getting it done. Especially if have multi streams of income!! Anything that is important to you schedule it
  1. OUTSOURCE!!!  You should outsource wherever you can… Let’s think about this for a minute. How many times have you heard ..I am doing the house cleaning on Saturday. Who wants to spend their weekend cleaning all day ?Not me …say it is cleaning …and you can’t outsource well why not do a little each day then it’s not lumped for the weekend…

If you took this attitude with your biz you will do more as well. Your day will be more productive. Now if there are areas like web design or more techy avenues of your business that can be outsourced.. do it. Your time is more effective and your business will thank you for it. You concentrate on your areas of expertise, whether it be following up on a customer or writing a blog rather than how to design the perfect website.

It’s that simple ….apply any of these tips and you will become more productive!

Kat x


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